
The Stats component is designed to display key information in a visually engaging format. It includes a title, subtitle, and value sections, and supports the use of icons or images for enhanced presentation. Ideal for showcasing statistics, metrics, or important data, the Stats component can be customized to fit various design needs. Add the .stats class to a container to make a status/statistic bar.
This is a subtitle.
Primary style
This is a subtitle.
Success style
redeem 83K
This is a subtitle.
Warning style
surfing 7K
This is a subtitle.
Error style
beenhere 3.765
This is a subtitle.
Dark style
ads_click 549
This is a subtitle.
Stats with Photo
This is a subtitle.
Using Helpers
Borderless Stats
shopping_cart 16
This is a subtitle.
Centered Stats
view_in_ar 9k
This is a subtitle.
Shadowed Stats
pets 234
This is a subtitle.
Disabled Stats
flutter_dash 234
This is a subtitle.
Full width
webhook 9k
This is a subtitle.
Dotted Border
coronavirus 2px
This is a subtitle.
Dashed Border
hive 2px
This is a subtitle.
Default Class Name Combinators
stats .stats
title .stats > .title
value .stats > .value
subtitle .stats > .subtitle
Styles Combinators
primary .primary.stats
success .success.stats
warning .warning.stats
error .error.stats
dark .dark.stats